Christmas, 2011

Dear Parishioners,

On this Holy Night and Day, I want to express my thanks and appreciation for the way in which you have made Christ present to so many people during the season of Advent, and throughout the past year. Because of your prayers, and generous sharing of your time, treasure and talent, the lonely and the poor have experienced the warmth and love of God. Because of you, people were able to receive food, heat, rental assistance, medical supplies, basic necessities, clothes, toys, and tuition assistance.

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M. Bonneville
Easter, 2011

Dear Parishioners,

Through the Liturgies of Holy Week we entered with Christ into God’s plan that the world will be saved by love of friend and enemy alike. This love confines no one to the tomb of hopelessness nor excludes anyone. Through the celebration of Eucharist we have shared in Christ’s saving mission. His broken body heals humanity’s broken one.

With Veronica may we not be afraid to wash the faces of those who need washing or touch the hearts of those who are hurting, with our love, which is God’s love. May we have the faith of Mary who stood at the foot of her Son’s cross, to stand with those who are suffering. May we, like the good thief, hear the words of Jesus when our life on earth has ended, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

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M. Bonneville
Lent, 2011

Dear Parishioners,

The season of Lent will begin this year on Wednesday, March 9th. The schedule for Lent and Holy Week can be found in the parish bulletin, the parish website, and in the Warwick Beacon. Please check out our new expanded web site. This web site features the parish bulletin along with a variety of other links.

Confessions will also be heard during the weekly Holy Hour and following the Stations of the Cross. Bible study will take place on Monday evenings beginning on February 28th.

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M. Bonneville
Christmas, 2010

Dear Parishioners,

Albert Einstein defined insanity as, “Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” Without faith we are doomed to the insanity of living our lives in an unbroken circle of boring sameness. This insanity is a form of totalitarianism that makes it impossible for an individual to be fully human. To be fully human a person needs to dream and hope, and believe in life’s endless possibilities. In a world of abortion, and a world without religious principles, and in a world without God, we are doomed to live out our days in quiet desperation. For the believer this desperation is called sin. Sin is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

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M. Bonneville
Lenten Prayer & Sacrifice – Lent, 2010

Dear Parishioners,

In a few days the season of Lent will begin with the imposition of Ashes. Ashes are a sign of repentance, and a sign that all the material things we value are destined to become dust. Lent is the time when we journey with Jesus into the desert to search for the deeper meaning of life. The devil tempts Jesus with the three material things; power, pleasure and responsibility. Jesus counters that there is more to life than bread alone, the kingdoms of the earth, and tempting God by acting irresponsibly.

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M. Bonneville