Easter, 2011
Dear Parishioners,
Through the Liturgies of Holy Week we entered with Christ into God’s plan that the world will be saved by love of friend and enemy alike. This love confines no one to the tomb of hopelessness nor excludes anyone. Through the celebration of Eucharist we have shared in Christ’s saving mission. His broken body heals humanity’s broken one.
With Veronica may we not be afraid to wash the faces of those who need washing or touch the hearts of those who are hurting, with our love, which is God’s love. May we have the faith of Mary who stood at the foot of her Son’s cross, to stand with those who are suffering. May we, like the good thief, hear the words of Jesus when our life on earth has ended, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”
In the words of the Easter Proclamation, “Accept this Easter candle, a flame divided but undimmed, a pillar of fire that glows to the honor of God. May it continue bravely burning to dispel the darkness of this night! May the Morning Star which never sets find this flame still burning: Christ, the Morning Star, who came back from the grave and shed His peaceful light on all mankind, your Son who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.”
May Christ, risen from the dead, fill you with His light and raise you up to everlasting life. A Joyous and Blessed Easter Season to all of you.
–Father Gagne