Before we ask God for forgiveness we need to forgive those who have “trespassed against us.” Jesus reminds us that the measure we measure with, will be measured back to us. We cannot ask God to forgive us if we are unwilling to forgive others. Let us pray that God will open our hearts and reveal to us the depths of our hurt and pain, and so prepare our hearts for reconciliation.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, give me the strength to forgive others, and thank you for loving me more than I love myself, and want for my happiness more than I desire it for myself.

Father, I forgive you for the times death has come into my family, the hard times, financial difficulties, or the things that I thought were punishments sent by you, and people said “It’s God’s will,” and I became bitter and resentful toward you.

Lord, I forgive myself for my sins, and failings, and forgetting that you always love me. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, and help me to see myself as you see me.

I Forgive myself for not worshipping you, by not attending church, for the hurt I have caused others by getting drunk, stealing, lying, defrauding, hurting other people’s reputation. I forgive myself for the times I have not been faithful to my marriage vows, or used others for my own gratification through sexual abuse and in any way I did not respect their rights and dignity. I forgive myself for choosing and abortion when I was afraid and didn’t know what to do, because of an unwanted pregnancy.

I forgive the following persons who hurt me:

Lord, help to forgive my mother, my father, my siblings, my spouse, my children, all my in-laws and extended family members.

Lord help me to forgive my co-workers, my neighbors.

Lord help me to forgive all priests, nuns, my pastor, the bishop, the pope, and the Roman Catholic Church for their lack of support, affirmation, bad sermons, for any hurts they have inflicted on me and my family, even in the distant past.

Lord, help me to forgive those of opposite political views. Those who have mocked my race or nationality and caused hurt to me and my family.

Lord help me to forgive, doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges, policemen, and any civil servant who treated me poorly. I also forgive teachers who humiliated me, made fun of me, or called me dumb or stupid, or told me I would never amount to anything.

Lord I forgive my friends and that one person who hurt me the most. The mention of these persons in our lives will bring up painful memories. My willingness to forgive will stop letting them live rent-free in my head. By forgiving them I release the power they have over me, and allow my heart to receive God’s merciful love that I deserve. I will be free to love and be the best version of myself.

Forgiving is a life-long process that can be painful at times, but always freeing. The more we forgive ourselves and others the more room there is for God’s forgiveness to enter our hearts with true healing and peace.

Jesus tells us, “If you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that you have something against your sister or brother, leave you gift, go be reconciled, and then come back and offer your gift.”

Pray for the grace to be released from the bondage of our past sins and the past sins of others.

May the Almighty and merciful God grant us his pardon and peace, and have mercy us, forgive us our sins, and raise us up to every lasting life. Amen

May you have the grace to celebrate the Sacrament of Confession, and the grace to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, by your reception of the Holy Eucharist.

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