Christmas 2023


Dear Parishioners,

“For though the human race is divided by dissention and discord, yet we know that by testing us you change our hearts to prepare them for reconciliation.”

These words are from the preface of the second Mass of Reconciliation. They speak to us of a God who is always revealing his love through the events of our everyday lives. It was in the course of the events of daily life that the eternal word of God took flesh and lived among us. Through the simple virtue of Joseph and the openness of Mary, God’s plan was revealed in its fullness; “love following upon love.” As we prepare for Christmas through our observance of the Holy Season of Advent, we are confronted with so much violence, anger, the horrors of war, shootings, ant-Semitism, and so much pain, loneliness and fear. We are called to have hope and believe that God’s promises will be fulfilled through opening our hearts to the Christ event, not only at Christmas but every day. The preface continues, “Even more, by your Spirit you move human hearts, that enemies may speak to each other again, adversaries join hands, and peoples seek to meet together. By the working of your power it comes about O Lord, that hatred is overcome by love, revenge gives way to forgiveness, and discord is changed to mutual respect.” These words remind us of what we celebrate this Christmas. They also challenge us to believe that Christ is with us, and in all places and events. This belief fills us with hope and inner peace that we are called to share with others. God has a plan that the world will be saved through love, and this plan will be fulfilled in us. May the blessings of Christmas fill your hearts with love that is overflowing. May you experience the hope and joy that never ends as together we celebrate Emmanuel, God with us. You will have a special remembrance in my prayers and Masses at Christmas and the coming New Year.

Father Gagne

St. Peter's Admin